Masks are not required to attend lodge, however, members or guests may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 could choose to stay home, or should wear a high-quality mask when indoors or in public.
I just want you all to know I understand and am waiting patiently, for the time I can be a brother mason.
Till then I wish to offer what ever help I may to the members and the lodge in general . Till then I wrote you all this poem,
The virtual Mason
I am the virtual mason here in my garage, making jewelry to pass the time and a little Decoupage.
I am the virtual mason that attended the virtual lodge, waiting for the plague to Pass-over my garage.
Sometime in the future when ritual is restored I’ll become a real mason finally getting my reward.
Till that great day, let me say. Ill find my way, somewhere ” To the east of my garage. ”
By Bob Hall
Looks like we got past the obstacle brother Bob. Glad to have you in the fraternity!