Six brothers from Carmel Lodge #421 (and one from Ancient Landmarks #319) recently embarked on an inspiring journey to visit two distinguished Nevada lodges—Reno Lodge #13 (top photo) on September 3rd, 2024, and Washoe Lodge #35 (lower photo) on September 4th, 2024, for their Stated Meetings. These special visits provided an opportunity to connect with fellow Masons and witness firsthand the work, and the spirit of brotherhood that unites us all.

At Reno Lodge #13, Worshipful Master Christian Dunkerly warmly welcomed the group and introduced his officers, ensuring that the Carmel and Ancient Landmark brethren felt like honored guests. The meeting was filled with camaraderie, and the shared traditions reaffirmed the bonds that tie all Masons together, regardless of jurisdiction or distance.

The following evening at Washoe Lodge #35, Worshipful Master Richard Jolly and his officers and members greeted the brothers with equal hospitality. One of the many highlights of this visit was the presence of the Grand Master of Nevada, Ted Bendure, who was also attending that evening. During Washoe Lodge’s Stated Meeting, the traveling Masons were graciously introduced and given a challenge coin in addition to the warm reception by the members.

The trip was not just about observing how other lodges operate but also about strengthening the brotherly bonds that make Freemasonry the greatest fraternity on earth. For the seven brothers, the experience was enriching. Four of the seven visiting brothers are Past Masters, and for all who visited, the chance to engage with other lodges and share in the fellowship of Masonry was a reminder of the timeless values of unity and brotherhood that define the Craft. This trip was a truly memorable one, filled with learning, laughter, and brotherly love.

The traveling Masons were:

Carmel Lodge No. 421

Dave “Herb” Reynolds, SW
Dave Philpott, PM
Brandon Schultz, PM
Merle Kranning, JW
Neil Anger, PM
Cesar Garcia, SS

Ancient Landmarks No. 319

Dave Roth, PM