Carmel Masonic Lodge #421 welcomed two new Master Masons to the largest fraternal brotherhood in the world on Thursday December 3rd, 2015. Congratulations to Leo Grabovsky and Eric Grabovsky who advanced to the sublime degree of Master Mason – along with a “packed house” of over 35 Master Masons in attendance for dinner and/or the degree!
A number of notable Past Masters were in attendance to help out with the craft. A giant “thank you” goes to 421 honorary members Mike Power, PM, and Harold Dickason, PM for their excellent work. Additional thanks to 421 PM Neil Anger for his work.
Not to be outdone by our “ace-in-the-hole” PM’s – a number of “newer” less experienced 421 members also helped in the workings of the MM degree – notably Jordan Lambuth, Gustavo DePaula, Adam Nisley, and Kris Novak – each of which performed laudably in this degree. SW Dave Hommel stepped up a seat, and performed the WM duties flawlessly.
Another INCREDIBLE dinner was prepared by 421 Master Mason “Chef Gustavo DePaula, MM” consisting of… Roasted Squash Soup, Cheese Rolls, Fresh Baked Bread with compound butters; Sauteed Garlic Asparagus with Balsamic Glaze; Hasselbeck Potatoes; Beef Roast with Mushroom Sauce, Desserts: Pavlova, Custard Tart, Tiramisu, and Triple Chocolate Cheesecake. A very special thank you to Dave Pencak for his kitchen cleanup!
This MM degree marked the last degree performed by #421 for 2015. Our lodge has added 5 new Master Masons since Nov 20th and this number only scratches the surface of what’s happened at #421 – a most productive and satisfying year for all involved!

Another INCREDIBLE degree dinner was prepared by 421 Master Mason Chef Gustavo DePaula, MM
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(A Masonic) lodge will perform three degrees (initiation ceremonies) for your education and enjoyment. These ceremonies are very dignified and inspirational. At no time will horseplay or indignities enter into the program. These degrees are very solemn and Masons take the task of making Masons very seriously. After becoming a Master Mason (the third degree of the lodge) you may seek membership in the many other Masonic related groups these are often referred to as appendant bodies.
This process of going through the degrees can be done traditionally in your own lodge with smaller groups that include other candidates entering your lodge just like you. This process would start with the Entered Apprentice degree and then move to the Fellow Craft degree and conclude with the Master Mason degree. This traditional process could take 3-6 months based on the system of the lodge you choose. This process is very rewarding and will help you get to know the brothers at your lodge.
In the last several years we have begun another process called the One Day Class. This process was developed to help compensate for the very busy schedules of modern life. In this situation the Entered Apprentice Degree, Fellow Craft Degree and Master Mason Degree are all taught in one day. You will be watching the process as an exemplar is used to represent all in the room rather than in the traditional format where you are a participant in your own degrees.
Whichever path you choose to becoming a Master Mason when it is complete you will be a Master Mason and can proudly consider yourself a member of the world’s oldest fraternal organization.
There are many more degrees you can take and several different groups you may choose to get involved with as you grow in the fraternity. These are only available to you after becoming a Master Mason.
For more information about Masonry, contact Carmel Masonic Lodge #421 and schedule a talk with a lodge member Mason. There is no pressure to join and you will most certainly come away with a better understanding of why Masonry is so important to the members of Carmel 421. As the lodge is only open for activities a few times a week, it is best to contact us via our email form, or call and leave a message at (317) 846-2346. Just let us know you have an interest in Masonry and wish to talk with a Carmel Lodge member.
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