What is a Masonic Lodge?
What is a Masonic lodge? Freemasonry began when stonemasons formed local organizations, called lodges, to take care of sick and injured members, as well as the families of those who were killed on the job. The masons also used the lodges as places to meet, receive...
421 Lodge Social at Birdies
Carmel #421 Masons recently attended a social night held at "Birdies Miniature Golf Course, Grill House & Sports Bar" in Westfield. While the weather did not cooperate for any outdoor activities, a good time was had by all who had dinner inside (much thanks to our...
Congratulations to Brother Blaine Ledbetter, 421’s newest Fellow Craft
Congratulations to Brother Blaine Ledbetter, 421's newest Fellow Craft. Special thanks to Rick Hurwitz, PM for filling in as WM, Steve Burnstein, PM for his help performing first section SD duties, Brandon Schultz, PM for performing the Charge, and to Rob Zuniga, SW...
Fellow Craft Degree- April 29, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
Gentlemen, please join us as we work to raise a worthy and well qualified brother to the degree of a Fellow Craft. This degree will be conferred at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. Date: Thursday, April 29th, 2021 Dinner: 6:00 pmDegree: 7:00 pm If...
One Benefit of 421 Masonry: Fellowship
What Is Freemasonry? Fellowship By attending Masonic Lodge meetings and learning from your fellow Masons, you’ll strengthen the bonds of fellowship as you join together with like-minded men who share ideals of both a moral and metaphysical nature. There are Masonic...
“Celestial Blue”
Much thanks to our lodge lovin' #421 Masons who helped to repaint our lodge room mid-February this year. During our April 2021 Stated Meeting, a number of these Masons were presented with a special award for their dedication and hard work. The photo accompanying this...
Congratulations to our Newest Master Mason!
Congratulations to Bob Hall, Carmel #421's newest (and youngest*) Master Mason! We wish Brother Hall a wonderful and fulfilling journey in Masonry. It was also a delight to meet with Bob's family who attended our dinner and a special lodge introduction conducted by...
Master Mason Degree- March 25, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
Gentlemen, please join us as we raise a worthy Brother to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. This degree will be conferred at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. If planning to attend dinner, please RSVP here - a kind donation of $5.00 is requested to...
A Journey begins…
A Journey begins... a new Entered Apprentice joins us at Carmel 421! Congratulations to our youngest new Mason - Tyler James! We wish Tyler the best of success in his journey forward in our fraternity....
“To Enlarge the Sphere of Social Happiness”
“To enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished, that the conduct of every member of the fraternity, as well as those publications, that discover the principles which actuate...
“To know oneself is a journey that requires a beginning”
"To know oneself is a journey that requires a beginning" - Jack Sanger, Azimuth Recently Carmel Lodge participated in a practice-run of unique ceremony external to our regular degree work. This interesting ceremony will may soon be added to work being done at Carmel...
First-Ever “Founders Day Watch Party”
421 members were cordially invited to join at the Lodge for the First-Ever "Founders Day Watch Party" on Saturday, January 9th, 2021. Our team wishes you a fantastic start to 2021!...