Three New Fellow Craft at 421
Last night (10/29/15) proved a productive one as three Carmel EA’s were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. Congratulations to James Buckhorn, Mark Madinger, and Kris Novak!
Getting ready for officer succession in 2016, a few of our officers “moved up a chair” and performed flawlessly. Notably – WM duties were handled by current SW Dave Hommel, and SD duties handled by current JW Ben Edde. Much additional thanks goes to #421 honorary member Mike Power, PM who performed the MC duty so well, those in attendance could only look on in admiration. Thanks to #421 Master Masons Jordan Lambuth and Allen Huang for helping out with JS and JD duties. It was also really great to see a few 421 members who we had not seen in a while!
Before the degree a mouth-watering dinner consisting of Caesar Salad, Salmon Stuffed Mushrooms, Tartiflette, Beef Roast, Coffee Cake, and Ferrero Rocher Cake was served by our lodge Co-Secretary and “Chef” Gustavo DePaula, MM (interesting yet predictable observation – the word about the quality of Chef Gustavo’s meals must be circulating as 29 Masons were counted at dinner!)
Not been to lodge in a while? Now you know lodge dinners at Carmel #421 have improved substantially -what else are you missing? (hint – you’ll have to come out and see).
Check out the Carmel #421 Trestle Board for our next event.

Success means new challenges: Chef Gustavo (nervously) views 29 Masons in the dinner line