Grand Lodge Area Conference 03-22-2023
Carmel Lodge #421 Worshipful Master Richard Arroyo with Grand Master Richard Lentz and Grand Secretary Richard Elman PGM at the Grand Lodge Area Conference.What happens at a Stated Meeting? A Stated Meeting in American Freemasonry refers to a regularly scheduled...
Evening at Muldoon’s 03-16-2023
Carmel Lodge #421 brethren enjoyed some tenderloin sandwiches and fish & chips are Muldoon's for fellowship and brotherhood the night before Saint Patrick's Day! Hey, have you heard that you don't need to be a Mason to come along to our social...
Grand Lodge Rookie Award
During the March states meeting held on 03/09/2023 the Worshipful Master presented Carmel Lodge #421 Senior Steward Dennis Huff with the Grand Lodge Rookie Award. Congratulations Brother Huff!What happens at a Stated Meeting? A Stated Meeting in American Freemasonry...
March Stated Meeting 3/9/23
Our next stated meeting will be held at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023Dinner: 6:00 pm - A kind donation of $7.00 is appreciated to offset meal costs. Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, non-members (visitors), &...
#421 Pancake Breakfast – March 11, 2023
Pancake Breakfast - March 11, 2023 We'll be firing the kitchen up, early Saturday morning, and encourage all those who have enjoyed Saturday mornings with us in the past to come back to see us once again!! Time: 7:30a - 10:30a Place: Carmel Lodge #421, 310 First St...
Masonic Euchre/Scrabble Night 3-2-23
Above photo: Past Master Robh Zuniga, a new player, seems content after "taking a trick" with his euchre partner Bill Sanders, PM. In the background, other 421 members play euchre and scrabble while the classic movie "The Sting" plays in the background. Social Night...
Carmel #421 Entered Apprentice Degree February 23, 2022
Carmel Lodge #421 conducted an Entered Apprentice Degree on February 23, 2023 and welcomed a new brother into the fold. This is a great start for #421. A visiting brother who is a dual member of Alpha Lodge #729 in Kettering, Ohio and Phoenix Lodge #719 in Walton,...
Carmel #421 Entered Apprentice Degree February 23, 2023
Gentlemen, please join us as we initiate a worthy candidate to the degree of an Entered Apprentice. This degree will be conferred at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. Date: Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 @ 7:00pDinner: 6:00p - Non-members & prospects are...
Improvements to Historic Carmel Lodge No. 421
A nicer place to be! Carmel #421 recently made many decorative improvements to the lodge. The lodge has always been about the members experience ...but not necessarily about the spartan surroundings. After these improvements, the lodge just got a whole lot nicer! The...
February Stated Meeting – 2/9/23
Our next stated meeting will be held at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. Date: Thursday, Feb 09, 2023Dinner: 6:00 pm - A kind donation of $7.00 is appreciated to offset meal costs. Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, non-members (visitors), &...
#421 Pancake Breakfast – Feb 11, 2023
Pancake Breakfast - Feb 11, 2023 We'll be firing the kitchen up, early Saturday morning, and encourage all those who have enjoyed Saturday mornings with us in the past to come back to see us once again!! Time: 7:30a - 10:30a Place: Carmel Lodge #421, 310 First St NE,...
EA Degree at Ancient Landmarks Lodge 319
Five Brothers from Carmel Lodge #421 trekked downtown to attend and witness a worthy candidate receive the Entered Apprentice Degree at Ancient Landmarks Lodge #319 on 01/30/2023. Why Visit Other Lodges?Masonry is an ancient and time-honored fraternity that...