Outgoing Honored Queen Sidney Schultz (right) installs Hope Monday (left), as Honored Queen for Bethel #68 for her term in 2021.
Carmel #421 Masons were recently invited to attend the Bethel #68 (Job’s Daughters International) Installation of Officers held at Carmel Lodge #421, 310 1st NE, Carmel, Indiana. A wonderful dinner before the ceremony was had by all, and with almost 40 persons in attendance, the Daughters performed an inspiring and impressive installation ceremony.
Worshipful Master Neil Helwig and the Masons of Carmel #421 wish to congratulate all the new officers of Bethel #68 and particularly to Hope Monday as the newest Honored Queen for the Bethel #68 Job’s Daughters. The WM Helwig, and the Masons also wanted to congratulate outgoing Honored Queen Sidney Schultz for her extended service as Honored Queen prior to Hope’s installation this week.
A number of 421 Masons showed up to support our lodge youth groups – and of course – the “Jobbie’s” love having new Masons in attendance!
Installation was held on:
Date: Wednesday, June 16th, 2021
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Ceremony: 7:00 pm – Open to family and friends
Dress: Sunday dress attire
If you know someone interested in joining Job’s Daughters please contact Carmel #421 member Brandon Schultz, PM, via our Carmel #421 contact form.