It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce the successful installation of our new officers for the upcoming Masonic year. On December 19th, 2024, the officers-elect of Carmel Lodge #421 were officially installed in a beautiful and meaningful ceremony, reaffirming their commitment to the principles of Freemasonry and their dedication to the continued success and growth of our lodge.
Please join us in congratulating the following brethren on their new positions of leadership:
• Worshipful Master: Brother Merle Kranning
• Senior Warden: Brother Carlo Nepomuceno
• Junior Warden: Brother Cesar Garcia
• Treasurer: Brother Gerry Harvey, PM
• Secretary: Brother Wayne Hansen, PM
• Chaplain: Brother Robert Casso
• Senior Deacon: Brother Jackson Kisor
• Junior Deacon: Brother Jonathan Dowell
• Senior Steward: Brother John Harding
• Junior Steward: Brother Travis Von Wolfe
• Tyler: Brother Cody Temple
• Marshall: Brother Kirk Kirkpatrick III
The newly installed officers would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to our Installing Team:
– Installing Officer: WB Pat Gleason
– Installing Marshall: WB Neil Anger
– Installing Secretary: WB Jim Williams
– Installing Chaplain: WB Adam Campbell
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our outgoing officers for their dedicated service and contributions during the previous year. Their leadership has been invaluable, and their efforts have helped steer our lodge toward greater unity and purpose.
As we look forward to the year ahead, let us all support our newly installed officers in their roles, and work together to advance the ideals of Freemasonry—brotherly love, relief, and truth. We are confident that under their guidance, our lodge will continue to thrive and make a positive impact within our community.
Let us remember that Freemasonry is not just about titles, but about the work we do together, the bonds we share, and the good we bring to the world. We encourage all brethren to attend our upcoming meetings and events, and to remain active in the life of the lodge.

What happens at a Stated Meeting?

A Stated Meeting in American Freemasonry refers to a regularly scheduled meeting of a Masonic lodge. These meetings are typically held monthly and serve as a time for lodge members to conduct business, discuss lodge matters, and plan upcoming events. Stated Meetings are governed by a set of rules and procedures known as the lodge's bylaws and are presided over by the lodge's officers, including the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden. During a Stated Meeting, the lodge may also conduct ceremonial or ritualistic work, confer degrees, and welcome visiting brethren from other lodges.

Who can attend a Stated Meeting?

Any Entered Apprentice (EA), Fellowcraft (FC), or Master Mason (MM) in good standing or visiting from a lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, F. & A.M., is welcome to attend our Stated Meeting. However, non-Masons (i.e., visitors) can attend the 6 pm dinner before the Stated Meeting. The dinner before a Stated Meeting is a great way for visitors to meet Carmel #421 Masons and learn about Masonry and our lodge.

If the lodge opens a Stated Meeting on the EA degree, then EAs, FCs, and MMs from any recognized lodge can attend (great for #421 or visiting and new EAs to see how our lodge is managed). If the Lodge opens on an FC degree, then only FCs and MMs can attend. If the Lodge opens on a Master Mason degree, then only Master Masons can attend. Often, if a new EA is present, the WM will open on an EA so that the new EA can attend. If you are a new EA at Carmel #421 and plan to attend, make sure you tell the WM or SW that you want to attend the dinner and the Stated Meeting so they can adjust accordingly.