On the evening of October 3, 2024, Carmel Lodge #421 held another successful Entered Apprentice Degree, welcoming four new candidates into the fraternity. The Lodge is experiencing remarkable growth, with seven new Brothers joining the ranks in just two weeks—an exciting testament to the thriving community within #421.

To open the night our Worshipful Master Wayne Hansen, handed the gavel to our Brother Senior Deacon, Carlo Nepomuceno, who presided over the Entered Apprentice Degree. Carlo’s leadership and command of the ceremony were exemplary, contributing to the evening’s success. His poise and dedication set a high bar for what was an impressive degree all around.

Jackson “T-Bone” Kisor, one of the Lodge’s newer Master Masons, delivered an outstanding and important portion of the ceremony, showcasing not only his skill but his continued growth as a member of the Lodge.

In addition, Jackson Kisor and Ron de Leon performed the first lecture with fervency and zeal, adding passion and precision to an important part of the evening.

The second and third lectures of the evening were delivered by two seasoned Brothers. Neil Anger, Past Master, and Merle Kranning, Junior Warden, lent their experience and wisdom to these vital roles, bringing the degree to a fitting close.

A huge thanks goes out to the kitchen crew, including Merle Kranning (and Brandon Schultz, PM) who prepared a delicious dinner for all in attendance. The pulled pork and macaroni and cheese were a hit, and their hard work did not go unnoticed. Wages were certainly paid!

Notably, the three Entered Apprentices from last week’s initiation also joined in for the evening, showing their continued commitment to the Craft and support for their new Brothers.

Thanks to all the Brothers who contributed to making this degree a success. Carmel Lodge #421 is truly on a roll, and the addition of seven new Masons in just two weeks speaks to the positive momentum and growth within our Lodge. We are excited for what lies ahead as we welcome these new Brothers and continue to build upon the strong foundation of fellowship and fraternity that defines Carmel Lodge #421.  Let’s keep the light shining bright!